Climate change and
corruption are making the case for switching South Africa to a distributed
network powered by renewable energy. This is the third of a three-part series
that shows how.
Perhaps the only type of
climate change-related article more common than the doomsday crisis story is
the story about the next supposedly game-changing technological fix. This is
not that (although, ok, it does reference technology). It is about the prospect
of a different model for supplying the bloodline for modern society, one that
addresses some of the major factors contributing to the mess that South Africa’
electricity grid finds itself in. As an alternative the centralized,
asymmetrical system we have, South Africa could shift towards a dynamic
embedded energy grid powered by a distributed network of largely renewable
energy sources. Such a system presents the prospect for radical change to a hundred-year-old
system. The transition will not be easy, but South Africa’s latest rounds of power outages teach an essential lesson: that the country can ill-afford to remain on
its current path.
In order to comprehend a
future built on embedded generation, one must understand the status quo. Conventional
electric grids like South Africa’s are powered using centralized sources of
energy, such as coal-fired power plants, gas-powered turbines and hydroelectric
dams. These sources generate massive amounts of energy and that are often
located far from where the electricity they produce is used. It is a highly
asymmetrical system connecting a few energy producers with many, many energy
consumers. While this configuration benefits from economies of scale, it also
leaves the users more susceptible to failure when these plants break down or
transmission is disrupted.
Enter embedded generation,
also known in some parts as distributed generation.
Like a tree spreading up to
millions of separate leaves to catch the sun’s light, an embedded grid relies
on a myriad of small-scale and on-site power generators to produce energy. The one-way flow
of energy is disrupted, and a dynamic grid in which users are
also producers replaces it. Such systems require both infrastructural and legal
adjustments, but the robustness and redundancy would pay dividends in
climate-proofing the country.
Embedded generation’s
distributed nature spreads the task of power generation, mitigating the risk of
disruption of any one source. It is also incremental and can capitalize on
advancements in clean renewable technologies that don’t exacerbate the climate
problem. Solar and wind can be co-located next to people more easily than
either massive industrial power plants or polluting diesel generators, and they
are generally more efficient at converting energy into useable forms. And while
the intermittent nature of solar and wind power—the sun doesn’t always shine,
nor the wind always blow—has limited their usefulness in meeting steady
“baseload” demand, new battery technology improvements have made great strides
towards storing energy for later use. A diverse and embedded grid itself can
also mitigate intermittency, drawing on different energy sources in different
parts of the country to make up for lack of generation in other parts.
Embedded generation should
not mean uniformity; it calls for a healthy
mix of suppliers and sources at all scales, from large-scale generators to
commercial independent power producers and on-site generation for
self-consumption or sale back to the grid. There is also an important place for
government-sponsored and community-based models and regulation to provide for
the needs of all South Africans. In addition, energy efficiency measures and
demand-side management, which involve curtailing waste, are also critical
complementary strategies, and provide even more opportunities for commercial
innovation, which can be paid for through savings created by increased
efficiency. A grid that is both dynamic and efficient is better placed to
confront the needs and challenges of the future. South Africa needs to start
moving in that direction.
No doubt an embedded future
would significantly disrupt the current financial and systematic model of South Africa's biggest electrical utility, Eskom. Eskom’s
financial picture in particular, discussed previously in this series, is an important concern
because the company acts not just as a generator of electricity under the current
system but also as the distributor. But concern about Eskom’s financial state
and the need for a coordinated distribution system shouldn’t be confused with good
reasons for perpetuating an increasingly broken system. There will likely
always be a role for integrated and coordinated control of the grid network,
but so long as corruption and maladministration are problems, it seems prudent
to minimize choke-points in the system that can be manipulated. The current
system entrenches an unnecessary monopoly favoring an unbalanced approach to
power supply. The financial stability of Eskom or other entity or entities
coordinating the grid should be secured, but not simply for the sake of Eskom
shareholders and at the expense of a more resilient energy system that would
benefit all South Africans.
Eskom’s vertical monopoly on
electricity is not necessary, as demonstrated in competitive energy markets
like those in the United States.
Entrenched business models and economic interests are not a sufficient
justification for maintaining the status quo when alternative models would be
better for consumers, the environment, and the industry itself in the long run.
There is no overpowering basis for Eskom’s monopolization of electrical
generation, and the history of state capture and poor service delivery in South
Africa suggests that providing room for self-sufficiency and local control is
As a growing
chorus of observers are noting, government support is needed for the
transition to a more reliable and less environmentally destructive energy grid.
law and policy necessary for enabling embedded generation and renewable
sources has been fragmented, moving in fits and starts. The Department
of Energy’s plan for increasing renewable energy capacity over the
long-term, including embedded generation, is positive but modest, and
also doubles down on building additional coal capacity. Recent regulatory
changes have helped loosen
the red tape preventing small-scale generators from connecting to the grid,
but the country still lacks
the sort of policy support and investment that has catapulted small-scale
generation in other countries. Unfortunately, but perhaps unsurprisingly, Eskom has
its feet in complying with existing law and in implementing distributed
energy storage systems. In sum, significant regulatory and policy obstacles
remain to implementing an embedded grid fed by renewable energy.
Whether or not the
government is on-board, residents and businesses are already searching for embedded
solutions. For Rubin, my grocer who I introduced in the first
part of this series, it’s about seeking a more reliable power source for
his business. The general consensus between store owners in his area is that
load shedding will remain an issue. “A lot of businesses are moving away [from
Eskom] and trying to get off-grid.” The cost of transitioning is an issue: “for
a small business it’s really challenging because you don’t have the capital or
the budget to invest in things like generators or solar power.” Nevertheless,
he’s convinced it’s a change he and many others will have to undertake.
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